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Self-Paced, RICC Tuberculosis Research Primers

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Training Opportunities

Pediatrics and TB (not available)

This asynchronous course includes the topics of State of pediatric TB and its epidemiology and surveillance; The public health approach to pediatric TB; TB prevention; TB diagnostics and their use in pediatrics. Register here:
EpidemiologySpecial Populations
Training Opportunities

Pregnancy and TB (not available)

This asynchronous course includes the topics of Burden of TB in Pregnancy, Risk of TB Acquisition, Impact of Maternal TB on Maternal-Infant Outcome, Does Pregnancy Impact TB Treatment and Prevention. Register here:
EpidemiologySpecial Populations
Training Opportunities

Professional Development - Starting Your Research Career

This asynchronous course includes the topics of Mentorship, CV/Biosketch, Scientific Career Paths. Register here:
Training Opportunities

RePORT International (RICC) Epidemiology for Tuberculosis – Introduction

This asynchronous course includes the topics of TB Terminology, TB Spectrum, Diagnosis of TB, Epi of TB, Risk Factors for TB, Prevention of TB, Treatment for Active TB. Register here:
Training Opportunities

RICC Epidemiology for TB – Special Populations

This asynchronous course includes the topics of Cost-Effectiveness of TB Treatment, TB Vaccine, Pediatric TB, Pregnancy and TB, MDR TB, Policy. Register here:
EpidemiologySpecial Populations
Training Opportunities

SMART4TB Early Stage Investigator Training

This asynchronous course includes the topics of Developing a Research Question and Proposal, Literature Searches, Basics of Study Design, Community Engagement, Principal Investigator Role. Register here: